[PSP] - Patapon Collections (USA)

Developers Pyramid, Japan Studio
Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment
Platforms PlayStation Portable
Release Date
  • JP:December 20, 2007
  • EU:February 22, 2008
  • NA:February 26, 2008
  • AUS:February 28, 2008
Genres Rhythm game, real time strategy
  • Single-player (1 player)
Media UMD, Download
Predecessor None
Successor Patapon 2


Considered a hybrid of both music and Real Time Strategy games, Patapon is a PSP game which focuses on the control of an army of small, cyclopean creatures through a series of brightly-colored, silhouetted, 2D scenarios. The only HUD present in-game is the health bar of your Patapon squads and the "help" option which shows all of the commands you have unlocked; there isn't such a thing as a cursor or control panel. Instead, the actions of the Patapons as a group are determined by a series of 4 beats, in-tempo with the background song. Each of the 4 face buttons represents a drum; the combination of these sounds create orders for your army to follow, such as "advance", "attack", "defend", and so on. Efficiently giving out orders to your Patapons without missing a beat will lead to them entering Fever Mode, during which they will become stronger and faster, as well as gaining new attacks. This Fever mode becomes increasingly necessary as the game progresses.The game also has several minigames to let you improve your army (all of them rhythm-based) and several RPG elements, letting you customize your Patapons with the stronger weapons you can find, etc. 


Patapon is a video game that the player controls in a manner similar to rhythm games. The player is put in direct control of a tribe of Patapon warriors; to command the warriors, the player inputs specific sequences using the face buttons on the PSP, each representing a "talking drum", in time to a drum rhythm. These sequences order the tribe to move forward on the linear battlefield, attack, defend, and other actions. If the player inputs an unknown sequence or enters them off the main rhythm, the tribe will become confused and stop whatever they are doing. However, repeatedly entering a proper sequence in sync with the rhythm will lead the tribe into a "Fever" increasing their attack and defensive bonuses. The tribe will stop doing anything after performing the last entered command if the player does not enter any more commands. For example, some commands are square, square, square, circle (Pata, Pata, Pata, Pon.), which has them march forward and circle, circle, square, circle (Pon, Pon, Pata, Pon.), which makes them attack.
The game is divided into several missions. Prior to each mission, the player can recruit new troops and assemble formations, equip troops with weapons and armor gained from the spoils of war or crafted from certain minigames. The player can return to an earlier mission to acquire additional resources and equipment to build up their troops before a larger battle.


The Patapon Tribe were flourishing people until they experienced many tragic losses and later on, they were maltreated by the Zigoton Empire (although Ormen Karmen of the Karmen Tribe originally defeated them and overtook the Patapole Palace). The player takes the role of their god, the "Almighty", and uses sacred war drums (Pata, Pon, Chaka, Don) to direct the Patapons to recover their land. As the story progresses, the Patapons embark on a journey to Earthend to look upon "IT", a sacred object whose appearance is unknown to the tribe and its purpose is to grant the Patapons eternal contentment and true happiness. The enemy of the Patapons is the evil Zigoton Empire, a powerful tribe of slightly squarish creatures with red-and-black eyes (as opposed to the white-and-black-eyed Patapons) that have oppressed the Patapons since their fall from power. It becomes apparent later in the game that the Zigotons' have their own prophecy which tells that when the Patapons finally sees and gazes at "IT", the world will fall into chaos. Towards the end of the game, many of the main Zigoton warriors sell their souls to the dark forces in an attempt to gain more power. Eventually Queen Kharma, ruler of the Zigotons, sells her soul in a final attempt to destroy the Patapons. When she was defeated, the Patapons have to kill Gorl, the demon that once threatened the world. Once defeated, the 3 Yaripons from the beginning arrive at the coast, which they assumed to be Earthend, and see the rising sun, which they assume to be "IT". However, unfulfilled by the anticlimactic end of their journey, they come to the conclusion that "IT" is, in fact, not the sun and to realize their destiny, they must cross the ocean to the real Earthend and continue their quest. At the end of the game, there is a scene in which the Patapons and the Zigotons are working together to build a boat to cross the sea. 

  1. Patapon : [Download Now!!] 198MB
  2. Patapon 2 : [Download Now!!] 343mb
  3. Patapon 3 : [Download Now!!]  388 MB

------------------------ARASHI'S NOTE--------------------------
Untuk memainkannya, kalian membutuhkan sebuah Emulator. Silahkan download emulatornya “Disini
Cara memainkannya:
1.   Install Emulatornya;
2.   Pastikan file .ISO (Gamenya)  sudah didownload;
3.   Buka emulator PPSSPP;
4.   Cari dan klik icon dari game yang ingin dimainkan (sudah didownload);
5.   Enjoy the game ^_^
Butuh settingan? Masuk aja “kesini


Seorang arsitek muda penggemar oriental yang doyan literal. Mendalami dunia seni dan bela diri sebagai upaya pengekspresian diri. Tamfun is fun!.

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